Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dreams & Deceptions Book Trailer

This site is the MacKenna Saga, but so far I posted a lot about writing and not much about The Saga. 

The series I've been working on, is finally ready to see daylight. The first book Dreams & Deceptions is due out in the next 90 days. I will be trying to release the next book Plots and Prophecies 90 days after that, then keep going until the series is complete

It's in final proof read at this time to check for any typos or glaring errors. It will be released on so it will downloadable in most E reader formats.  and in paperback through NewLink Publishing (Website Down at this time for relocation and maintenance) 

In the meantime Standby Studios created a short trailer as a preview. Click on the link below, enjoy, and please let me know what you think.