To fly like a bird. Man has dreamed of taking flight from ancient times.
From the Islamic Times 1998.
The story of two men’s attempts at gliding. In 852 AD a Moor in Cordoba, Spain, Armen Firman, constructed a wing-like cloak with the intention of using the garment to glide. Jumping from a tower in Cordoba, Firman survived with only minor injuries because his wing-like garments caught enough air to break his fall.
Probably inspired by this attempt In 875 AD, twenty-three years after Armen Firman's flight, Abba Ibn Firnas designed and built a flying machine which was capable of carrying a human being.
In Greek mythology, Icarus , the Latin spelling, conventionally adopted in English, is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned.
Leonardo Di Vinci was condemned as a hereticBy the church for daring to believe man could fly. Leonardo persisted.
Science Fiction writers would have us strap a jet engine to our back and away we go. Manned flight and gliding over long distances. The stuff of science fiction, right. Not really. Where is this all leading? From science fiction to science fact.
In 1965 movie Thunderball, James Bond flew an actual jet pack (Well a stunt man did.)
A while back a friend sent me a youtube link to Jet Man. Yves Rossy took a jet powered flight over the Grand Canyon in May 2011 using the Breitling wing. If you haven’t seen this spectacular man and his flight click on this link.
I heard about flying suits but the first time I saw one used was in the Laura Croft movie ‘Cradle Of Life. Angelina & Gerard’s characters used the flying suit to escape from a high rise in Hong Kong. Click on the link and check out this flying suit flight.
Can we be far from the time when personal air craft will be as common as Luke speeder from Star Wars and cost abut the same as a luxury car
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