I have spent the last week rewriting the first nineteen chapters of Second Genesis. With the accidental overwrite I lost a lot more then I realized. But I'm about 50% recovered. I cannot remember everything, so then chapters are not quite the same. I have been able to add some details I hadn't considered before, so while I am missing some of the original plot and dialogue I am almost done with the rewrite.
I've been trying to catch up on some of my shows.
Warehouse 13
I do get a kick watching Saul Rubinek square off with Brent Spiner. In case some of you don't recall the two actors crossed paths on Star Trek's TNG in the episode 22 "THE MOST TOYS" Saul, playing Kivas Fajo, who tries to make Data (Brent Spiner) part of his collection of contraband treasures, by faking his death. I believe it was the first time I can remember I saw Data wanted to take a life. Warehouse 13 is always a must see for me and my DVR is set so I won't miss a broadcast.
I'm still trying to get the hang of Alphas. The last episode Gaslight had me so frustrated. The script was choppy and I found myself hoping for a quick end to the show. Then end was a let down and the whole thing didn't seem to fit the shows theme. I hope the writers start writing in more cooperation between members. After the well son first season I a bit disappointed with season 2 so far.
This cast is in tune with their characters, each other and it shows on screen. The First Contact Job, episode 65 aired on 8/5 of this year. Directed by Jonathan Frakes, who did a marvelous job directing Star Trek, First Contact. When I was his name pop up as director on this episode I knew it would a well done. The kicker for me was the name of Christan Kane's character in this episode, Willie Riker. Joanthan Frakes as every Star Trek fan knows played William Riker the Enterprise's first officer.I have to wonder how many other viewers caught the reference?
Leverage's twist and fall back to B&W scenes of the real twist are great. I so appreciate the character development and interaction. The writers have done a great job of adding depth to characters on each show. This is one of the reasons I keep watching.
Falling Skies
I missed the first season of Falling Skies, so I am not caught up on all the characters and their place in the show. The show, as far I can see, is well plotted and the actors are into their characters. The Season Finale left a lot of question to answer. That alone would bring me back for the next season. I need to sit down and watch all the episodes so I can be more detailed, but it is a great show. keep up the good work.
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