Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The MacKenna Saga Update

I though it was about time for an update the MacKenna Saga. The translation of the journals continues and records are still revealing new information thus altering the view of Kalen's life oncewe had of some of the facts.

The Adam Eradication, story line is basically unchanged, the journals have given insights and detail into some of the characters personalities, foibles and quirks. These revelations have given Richard the opportunity to rewrite some of the chapters, flush out the characters while doing away with some of the passive voice & long narrative paragraphs.

The Eve Beguilement, I've pared down.  Moving two big scenes to book three, because of new information. This has allow for us to include more of Daniella and Connor's exploits.

From The Garden Cast, is now filling out and should be easier to complete the critical rescue scene is done as are the the final chapters. Flushing out the middle should be a littler easier now with the records we now have.

Second Genesis, I've reread from the beginning, editing  and correcting mistakes while tightening up the story line. I can move forward on the story now to fill out Ty & Marisol's story of a worlds rebirth to enlightenment.

Eastward Toward Eden, is going slowly as the records on much of Shawn's MacKenna's life are still untranslated to missing. Filling in his life will have to come from the journals of others in our story.

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